Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Konfirmasi Jadwal - February 2014 - DMTc


DMTc Training & Coaching menginformasikan pelatihan-pelatihan public dibidang finance & accounting management, audit & fraud, dan perpajakan yang akan dilaksanakan di bulan  January & February 2014. DMTc juga memberikan pelatihan in-house yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dan program coaching. Silahkan hubungi kami di (021) 837 04065  atau untuk pendaftaran dan informasi detail silabus. Silabus dapat di akses juga d


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January 2014

Februari 2014

Judul Pelatihan


Judul Pelatihan


Finance & Accounting Management Courses

Finance & Accounting Management Courses

Credit Analysis, Monitoring and Problem Solving

7 - 8

Analisa Kredit Mikro, Teknik Praktis, Monitoring dan Pemecahan Masalah

6 - 7

Leadership for Finance and Accounting Professionals

9 - 10

Penyusunan SOP Accounting

10 - 11

Financial Reporting for Non Profit Organization - PSAK, IFRS, Indonesian Tax Based

9 - 10

Presentation Skills for Finance and Accounting Professionals

11 - 12

Accounting Control - Practice and Tricks

9 - 10

Standard Operating Procedure Accounting - Bank Perkreditan Rakyat & Leasing

11 - 12

Financial Statement Analysis for Non Financial Institution

16 -17

Penyusunan SOP Accounting Perusahaan Tambang

13 - 14

Corporate Finance Management

16 -17

International Financial Reporting Standardd (IFRS) & Dampak Perpajakannya

13 - 14

Cash Flow & Treasury Management - Driving to Positive Cash

20 - 21

Strategic And Management Control - Financial Control Aspects

17 - 18

Optimizing Budget With Excel Spreadsheet

20 - 21

Financial Statement Analysis for Financial Institution

17 - 18

Cost Accounting & Control - Mining Industry

20 - 21

Developing, Managing and Controlling BUDGET

19 - 20

Business Combination and Consolidation Financial Reporting

20 - 21

Accounting, Costing & Cost Control - Industri Perkebunan - PSAK & Operational Approach

19 - 20

Standard Operating Procedure Accounting - Hotel dan Restaurant

21 - 22

Collection Skill for Collection Officer in Financial Institution

19 - 20

Pedoman Penyajian Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan Pertambangan

22 - 23

Inventory Accounting & Control

20 - 21

Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan Berbasis IFRS- PSAK dan Perpajakan Terkini

22 - 23

Finance & Accounting Management for Non Finance

24 - 25

Fixed & Intangible Asset Accounting and Management

23 - 24

Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan Konstruksi, Developer dan Property

24 - 25

Account Payable Management

23 - 24

Management and Cost Accounting

24 - 25

Negotiation, Persuasion & Communication Skills for Collector

27 - 28

New Project & Investment Analysis for Coal Mining Industry

26 - 27

Basic Accounting Knowledge for Business

28 - 29

Cost Accounting & Control - Hotel & Restaurant

13 - 14



Managing Collectors Performance in Financial Institution

13 - 14



Receivable and Collection Management

17 - 18



Reducing and Managing Cost - Driving Cost Down

24 - 25

Audit & Fraud Courses

Audit & Fraud Courses

Risk-based Internal Auditing (RBA)  COSO Based

8 - 9

Purchasing Fraud: Prevention, Detection and Solution

11 - 12

Detecting Creative Accounting and Financial Report Fraud

9 - 10

Forensic Accounting Investigation and Audit

12 - 13

Fraud Auditing In Financial Institutions - Banking & Insurance Practice Approaches

9 - 10

Internal Audit - A step by step guideline for Auditor

17 - 18

Risk-based Internal Auditing For Purchasing

27 - 28

Auditing Techniques and Tools : A Guide Auditor

18 - 19

Interviewing Skills for Anti-Fraud - Audit & Psychological Approach

28 - 29

Risk-based Internal Auditing For Sales and Marketing

26 - 27

Production & Operation Management Courses

Production & Operation Management Courses

Administration for Purchasing


Purchasing & Procurement Management

12 - 13

Inventory & Warehouse Management

16 - 17

Production Planning And Inventory Control

20 - 21

Negotiation Skill For Purchasing : Achieving Successful Outcomes

22 - 23

Managing Supplier Performance And Relation

25 - 26

Best Practice Supply Chain Management

27 - 28

Administration for Warehouse


Lokasi Pelatihan & Biaya

Lokasi : DMTc Training Center, Gedung Ariobimo Jln HR Rasuna Said, Jakarta

Investasi :Rp 3.000.000 per person

Contact DMTc

Graha Pelangi 3rd Fl, Jln Abdullah Syafei, Casablanca no 25, Bukit Duri, Jakarta Selatan.

Phone (021) 837 04065  Fax (021) 835 4333.  Email: Website :




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